
Austria > Living

The „Grundversorgung“ system aims at providing all asylum seekers and other aliens excluded from the regular social system with accommodation, food and medical care.

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Denmark > Living

Once you have applied for asylum in Denmark you are accommodated in an Asylum Camp somewhere in the country. Here you get food and pocket money while your case is treated. The standard of living in Asylum Camps differ from camp to camp and asylum seekers live in either apartments, shared or single rooms. You are not allowed to work while seeking asylum.

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France > Living

Asylum seekers get given their 'first card' (Provisory Permit to Stay – APS) from the prefecture after they lodge a claim for asylum at 'l'Office des réfugiés' (OFPRA). After issue of this card, they are entitled to receive about 320 euros a month (Temporary waiting allocation - ATA). This will be interupt if they get state accommodation in an Accommodation centre for asylum seekers (CADA), even if they refuse it.

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Greece > Housing

There are three different categories of housing facilities for refugees in Greece: 1. reception places (mainly for unaccompanied minors and a few families); 2. the transit camps with usually very difficult living conditions; 3. Squats and solidarity spaces that offer accommodation without any involvement of government and authorities.

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Italy > Living

Furtheron, you’ll find heremaps and informations on:
2. Your arrival in Italy
7. Travelling in Italy and to other states
8. Glossary and phrasebook
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Macedonia > Accomodation

Right now there is 1 reception centre where asylum seekers are accommodated  The reception centre is in Skopje and has capacity of 150 places. It accommodates people who have sought asylum in Macedonia. The Reception Centre for Asylum Seekers is in the village of Vizbegovo, near Skopje.

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Netherlands > Living

Your social rights when you have applied for asylum.
Your social rights when you don't have papers.
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Romania > Living

Asylum-seekers in Romania receive financial assistance, but it is quite low.

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Serbia > Living

There are right now 5 reception centres where asylum seekers are accommodated; in Banja Koviljaca (capacity of 120 places), in Bogovadja (160 places), "Kranjaca" near to Belgrade (200), and two in the South of the country, in Sjenica (70 places) Hotel "Berlin", and  in the town of Tutin (70 places).

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Spain > Living


What rights do I have “without papers” in Spain?

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Switzerland > Living

Since 2008, rejected asylum seekers don't have the right of social help anymore in Switzerland and can only grant urgent help consisting in living in totally inhuman conditions. Several Swiss NGO's and Human rights groups are campaining against this situation.

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