
Lithuania > Contacts

Systematic free legal and psychological assistance usually is provided for asylum applicants and recognised asylum seekers. There are less possibilities for such aid for potential asylum seekers, but you can still try these contacts and at least your juridical questions will be answered.

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Lithuania > Overview

Of all Baltic States Lithuania has the highest number of asylum seekers (in 2009 – 449, in 2010 – 503), but compared with Europe as a whole the number is small. For many migrants and refugees Lithuania is a transit country to the “old” member states of the EU.  

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Lithuania > Asylum

According to officially information, asylum seekers can submit an application at the state border crossing point, city (district) territorial police services or Foreigners’ Registration Centre (Pabradė, Švenčionys district). In reality not everyone is allowed to use this right.

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Lithuania > Minors

An unaccompanied minor in Lithuania is a person who is less than 18 years old and who arrived in Lithuania without parents or other legal guardians (or has been left without legal guardians after entering the country).

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Lithuania > Detention

Undocumented immigrants are detained in the Foreigners’ Registration Centre (near the border of Belarus). This centre is a former military base and has two sections: one for undocumented immigrants with movements restrictions and one for asylum seekers (during their application procedure).

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Lithuania > Family reunification

There is the right for wife/ husband and children (under 18 years) of refugees to move to Lithuania, but it is limited with some conditions: family members of the refugee have the right to move to Lithuania only after two years his/her legal stay in the country, the age of the marriage should be above 21 years and family members submitting application for permanent residence permit should pass language and constitution tests.

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Lithuania > Medical assistance

Asylum seekers are entitled to free medical service only after submitting the application and if asylum is granted, during the integration period (12-18 months). After integration program free medical assistance does not remain for temporary residents unless they are legally working.

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Lithuania > Work

It is difficult to find a job for recognised asylum seekers because of existing prejudices and stereotypes under employers. Mostly you need to have good Lithuanian skills. It is easier for english speakers, but generally even if you excellent fit for your desirable job you still have some difficulties.

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