
Austria > Work

There are only very little possibilities to work legally during your asylum procedure.
If your asylum procedure is already running for three months and you have somebody who would give you work, this person can -under certain circumstances which are defined in the aliens law "Ausländerbeschäftigungsgesetz"- apply for a working permit ("Beschäftigungsbewilligung").

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Croatia > Work

Asylum seekers have the right to work in Croatia only once they have been in Croatia for one year.

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Cyprus > Work

After 6 months asylum seekers do have the right to work and the duty to register as seeking for a job in order to continue receiving social benefits at the District Labour Office.

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France > Work

You do not have the right to work during the first few months of your asylum claim in France. However, you can request an authorisation to salaried work 9 months after the submission of your asylum claim:

  • If the Ofpra has not made its decision regarding your asylum claim;
  • If an appeal has been submitted to the Cour nationale du droit d’asile (CNDA).
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Germany > Work

You‘re entitled to rights - even if you‘re undocumented!
Low pay or no wages at all? You can sue your boss.
Work accident or on sick leave? You‘re entitled to receive health care and sickness benefits.
No annual leave? Take legal action for your statutory right.
A 14-hour workday and just 8 hours‘ wages? Sue your boss for outstanding pay.

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Lithuania > Work

It is difficult to find a job for recognised asylum seekers because of existing prejudices and stereotypes under employers. Mostly you need to have good Lithuanian skills. It is easier for english speakers, but generally even if you excellent fit for your desirable job you still have some difficulties.

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Netherlands > Work

When you don't have legal stay, you are officially not allowed to do paid or voluntary labor. However, in practice it is possible to have black jobs.

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Slovenia > Work

Permission for work and contact information regarding working rights

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Spain > Work

For people who are in an irregular situation in Spain the most common way to get a residence permit is the so called “ARRAIGO SOCIAL”.

You have to already have lived 3 years in the country. Also you need to demonstrate that you have your own financial resources. This is possible with a work contract.

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Sweden > Work

The effects of the labour law introduced in 2008 have received some attention. The rules introduced in 2008 make it easier employers to hire cheap labour from outside the EU, and so create slave-like working conditions for those coming to work in Sweden. Workers with temporary work permits are entirely dependent on their employers and can be deported any time they are surplus to the employee requirements or try to demand their rights. The new parliamentary agreement on migration policies (2015-10) include several draw-backs for migrants' rights on the labour market.

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Switzerland > Work

Unia and Syndicom, two different Suisse unions offer consults in labour-rights concerns to their members.

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