Medical Assistance for Migrants without health insurance

Austria > Medical assistance

There are some places that provide healthcare for persons without papers, insurance and free of charge...

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Croatia > Medical assistance

There are three types of medical health protection in Croatia.

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Cyprus > Medical assistance

To access health care you can apply for a medical card A at the Ministry of Health.

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Denmark > Medical Assistance

Access to health care is limited and usually takes place in healthcenters in the asylumcamps.

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France > Medical Assistance

All asylum-seekers have the right to health insurance, even if you are in the “fast-track” procedure or in the “Dublin procedure”. You do not have to prove that you been residing in France for more than 3 months.

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Germany > Medical Assistance

Undocumented migrants are excluded from the regular health system in Germany. Medical Aid Groups for Refugees offer practical medical assistance for refugees and migrants:
- who are afraid of visiting a doctor's practice because they don't have residency status or papers,
- whom, despite of owning valid papers, ‚Sozialamt’ refuses to cover the costs of health care,
- who, through the experience of torture, war or exile, need psychological support.

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Greece > Medical Assistance

If you did not apply for asylum, family reunification or relocation in Greece to regularise your stay, you can visit public hospitals only in emergency cases. If it is not an emergency, consult one of the following NGOs. If they cannot offer the needed medical service they will arrange an appointment for you at a hospital but you will need to find a translator to accompany you by yourself. Another main problem is free medicine. Ask the following NGOs for advice where to get it.

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Italy > Medical Assistance

The Italian Constitution protects health as a fundamental right of the individual. It is a right that should be guaranteed to ALL, even to those who are not in possession of a regular permit of stay. In Italy EVERYBODY has the right to healthcare in public and private structures credited to the national health system (S. S. N.).

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Lithuania > Medical assistance

Asylum seekers are entitled to free medical service only after submitting the application and if asylum is granted, during the integration period (12-18 months). After integration program free medical assistance does not remain for temporary residents unless they are legally working.

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Macedonia > Medical assistance

Hospitals and medical facilities in the cities on the typical refugee route and in the capital. Medical costs for urgent cases and interventions are covered by the Macedonian state.

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Netherlands > Medical Assistance

Medical care is considered a human rights. All normal health care is accessible for undocumented migrants. The costs are covered by the Het CAK if the client cannot pay by himself.

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Romania > Medical assistance

Theoretically, recognised refugees in Romania should have the same rights of access to medical services (and other services) as Romanian citizens. However, in practice these rights are often denied

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Sweden > Medical Assistance

Since 1st July 2013, there is a new law in place regarding healthcare for undocumented residencies in sweden. It came about mostly thanks to the medical workers joint statement that they would "not continue to make differences between their patients" to which the government, by then, answered "if they will not follow the rules, it is better to change them".

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Switzerland >Medical Assistance

Most sans-papiers (undocumented persons), migrants without valid residence permits as well as refused refugees,do not have health insurance and therefore no or only limited access to health care.

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