
Detention, which means to imprison people, is one of the most inhuman steps, that are taken to attack the dignity of those who are straying through Europe and search for a safe place to stay.
We will try to give an overview about the different conditions in detention centres in Europe and it should not be forgotten that even those places are sites of protests, hungerstrikes and revolts for freedom of movement: "Freedom, Azadi..."

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Austria > Detention

If either a ban on further residence or deportation is issued against a person, he*she must leave Austria. If he*she does not leave Austria, he*she may be held on detention pending deportation. A person can also be held on remand to safeguard legal proceedings (for example while proving your Dublin III status), in the case of a ban of further residence or of deportation. Basically, detention pending deportation should last for as short a time as possible.

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Belgium > Detention

The Blog gettingthevoiceout wants to give a voice to those who are imprisoned, abused and deported at the hands of Belgian detention centres every year. We want their voices to be heard:

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Bulgaria > Detention

Under the current regulation the State Agency for Refugees, a ministerial body, is in charge of the functioning “reception centers” in Bulgaria.The detention centers on the other hand, are being managed by the Ministry of Interior.

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Croatia > Detention

When caught crossing the border, migrants can be detained at the border for the maximum of 48 hours, in temporary detention facilities that exists close to the border.

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Cyprus > Detention

Detention of asylum seekers is a very big problem in the Republic of Cyprus.

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Denmark > Detention

There is one detention center in Denmark, it is called "Ellebæk" and it lies next to the main asylum camp, "Sandholmlejren". A detention center works like a prison and is run by the probation service in Denmark. As an asylum seeker you can be detained without having committed a crime, for example if you are a rejected asylum seeker and they believe you will go underground or leave to another country. There is a maximum limit on 18 months of keeping people in Ellebæk. In most cases the detention period is shorter.

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France > Detention

As a foreigner, you must be able to present an identity document, and depending on your nationality a document proving the legality of your stay. If you do not have identity documents, police can detain you for four hours for identity verification. But the simple fact of being illegally is not a crime punishable by a prison sentence, and you can not be detained in custody just because you do not have papers.

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Greece > Detention

According to the law, you can be detained from a few hours up to six months. Your detention can be extended twice, for a maximum of 12 months in total. If that happens then the competent authorities will issue a new detention decision. Nowadays, if someone is detained, he/she is in practice normally released after 6 months.

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Hungary > Detention

There are two kinds of closed camps (detention). Immigration detention is for those people who do not ask for asylum. If you are in an immigration detention, you are in the process of being deported from the country. If you are in immigration detention, you can also ask for asylum.

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Italy > Detention

You will find here informations about what happens if your asylum claim was refused and the Identification and Expulsion centers (CIE).

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Latvia > Detention

Every border checkpoint on Latvia’s eastern border has detention facility, but there is one main detention centre - the Olaine Detention Camp, located 25 kilometres from Riga. This centre is in poor conditions, education and activities are limited, you can not get psychological consultations...

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Lithuania > Detention

Undocumented immigrants are detained in the Foreigners’ Registration Centre (near the border of Belarus). This centre is a former military base and has two sections: one for undocumented immigrants with movements restrictions and one for asylum seekers (during their application procedure).

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Macedonia > Detention

The cases of refugees and migrants that did not commit crimes being detained happens when they are held as witnesses or victims of criminal activities. They are detained in order to appear as witnesses during the court trials of the perpetrators (usually smugglers). 

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Netherlands > Detention

When the police arrests you, always ask for your lawyer before you talk to the police. When you are in alien detention, you will not know how long it will take. The imprisonment may be up to 18 months.

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Poland > Detention

Although Poland has not faced the same refugee challenges impacting neighbouring countries, it has adopted similar responses. It accepts only a small number of asylum seekers, opposes EU relocation quotas, and has boosted its detention efforts. It recently amended its legal framework, including the adoption of alternatives to detention and restrictions on child detention. It also increased the maximum length of detention to 18 months.

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Serbia > Detention

Like in other countries, in Serbia most of the migrants are imprisoned for "illegal" border crossing or residence. When you are charged for illegal border crossing or residence, you are always brought to court and „fined“ for „illegal border crossing or residence“ (around 50 Euros).

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Spain > Detention

In case you are arrested by the police you have the following rights:.....

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Sweden > Detention

If you are locked in a detention you always have the right to legal representative about that you have been taken in detention. This means that you get a lawyer or attorney that works with if you should be kept in detention or be released. If you not say that you want to chose who will represent you directly when the police takes you they or the Migration Office will give you an attorney or lawyer.  If you are not happy with your legal representative it is normally hard to change afterwards.

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Switzerland > Detention

If you are or are facing any form of detention, we strongly advise you to get legal help and political support (see contacts). Furthermore, it is crucial, that you know in which detention you are. A legal aid center can help you to find out. This article describes the different forms of detention in Switzerland.

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Turkey > Detention and Deportation

If you enter Turkey irregularly (illegaly) and get apprehended before applying for asylum; if you over stay your visa and have not applied for asylum and thus if you are in irregular situation (illegal situtation); if you are apprehended while trying to exit Turkey irregularly (illegally) for ex by fake passport/visa, by boat etc; if you failed to comply with your obligations as international protection applicant (for example not going to the migration office to give your signature 3 times in a row) or if you are considered to be threat to public security, you can be detained in a detention center whose official name in Turkey is “Removal Center”.

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Uk > Detention

You may be held in a detention centre for different reasons, for example, the government sometimes keeps refugees in detention centres while they make a decision on their case. If this happens, it does not  necessarily mean that you will be deported. If you are detained in a detention centre, you may have to stay there for a number of months. You should not be kept there if you have been been tortured, or if you are ill, you are pregnant, or you are under age.

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Ukraine > Detention

Although Ukraine has seen a steady decrease in the numbers of arriving and transiting migrants in recent years, EU policymakers remain fixated on the country as a stepping stone into Europe. A case in point is the enormous sums of money Europe has spent to boost its detention capacity.

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