UK > Contacts

There are several specialised groups and NGOs for legal advice on asylum. Some necessary contacts in UK you may find here.

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UK > Dublin II

The UK Border Agency suspended returns of asylum seekers to Greece under the Dublin II Regulation in the end of September 2010. With immediate effect the backlog of approximately 1300 cases and all new cases will have their applications heard in the UK, and not be deported to Greece. This is a great relief to all those facing return to the “broken asylum system” of Greece.

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Uk > Asylum

'Asylum' is when the government lets you stay in a country because you are a refugee (see below for what it means to be a refugee). The asylum system in the UK is complicated and we recommend that you read this information first if you plan on coming to the UK.

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Uk > Detention

You may be held in a detention centre for different reasons, for example, the government sometimes keeps refugees in detention centres while they make a decision on their case. If this happens, it does not  necessarily mean that you will be deported. If you are detained in a detention centre, you may have to stay there for a number of months. You should not be kept there if you have been been tortured, or if you are ill, you are pregnant, or you are under age.

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