
Cyprus > Contacts

Contacts to NGOs and counselling offices for refugees and migrants in Cyprus.

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Cyprus > Overview

After a war between Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots the island is divided into the Republic of Cyprus and the Turkish Republic Northern Cyprus.

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Cyprus > Dublin III

If you are passing from the northern part of the island to the Republic of Cyprus as most people do, the latter is then the first country reached in the European Union. Due to Dublin III regulation other member states of the EU are deporting people back to the Republic of Cyprus on a regular basis, although there are way more demands for readmission then actual deportations.

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Cyprus > Asylum

The asylum system in the Republic of Cyprus consists of 3 institutions:

  • Asylum Service
  • Administrative Court
  • Supreme Court

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Cyprus > Minors

Unaccompanied minors are not systematically identified in the Republic of Cyprus. Since 2014 a medical age assessment was implemented which a small number of children have undergone so far and which consists of an x-ray, as well as a tooth and body examination. The findings of these medical tests have so far in almost all cases stated that the tested person is not under the age of 18 and therefore no unaccompanied minor.

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Cyprus > Detention

Detention of asylum seekers is a very big problem in the Republic of Cyprus.

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Cyprus > Living

From the moment you have applied for asylum you are entitled to social benefits, which you can apply for at the Social Welfare Service.

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Cyprus > Medical assistance

To access health care you can apply for a medical card A at the Ministry of Health.

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Cyprus > Work

After 6 months asylum seekers do have the right to work and the duty to register as seeking for a job in order to continue receiving social benefits at the District Labour Office.

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Cyprus > Reports

Reports about the situation of refugees and migrants in Cyprus.

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