
Morocco > Contacts

Here you may find useful contacts in Morocco concerning legal advice and social support.

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Morocco > News

No Borders Morocco: Blog with recent news on migrants struggles in Morocco in english:

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Morocco > Overview

Traditional country of emigration, Morocco has become, in recent years, a transit country to Europe as well as a host for a growing number of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers mainly from sub-Saharan African countries.
With the tightening of control measures at the border areas of southern Europe, these migrants are stranded in Morocco for an indefinite period.

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Risks, Rights and Saftey at Sea: Morocco-Spain

These informations are for people who are considering to cross the sea between Morocco and Spain. They aim neither at deterring people from, nor at encouraging people to attempt the crossing, but rather at providing objective informations and sharing experiences about risks, rights, and vital safety measures to take at sea.

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