
Albania > Contacts

last update: January 2017

We have no experience with this organization so far! If you can give us a feedback if it was useful or not, we would appreciate (contact(at)

Refugee and Migrant Services in Albania

Rr. Skenderbej, Volkswagen building, Second Floor, Tirana, Albania
Tel: +00355 4225 0224
Fax: +355 4222 8492

Refugee and Migrant Services in Albania (RMSA) is a NGO that provides social and legal service to refugees and asylum-seekers in Albania.

TLAS, Bulevardi Bajram Curri, P. Agimi, shk. 18, ap. 322., Tirana, Albania
Tel.: +355 4 22 58 442

Tirana Legal Aid Society, (TLAS) provides legal services also for refugees and offers them free legal aid services. It assists refugees by providing legal advise by email, phone, or in the office, as well as direct representation in court.


Fahamu Refugee Legal Aid Network offers also contacts in Albania.