Romania > Living

last update: February 2017

Only for asylum seekers:

Social support:

Asylum-seekers in Romania receive financial assistance, but it is quite low.

The allowance is: 10 lei for food per day + 6 lei per day for other necessities + 67 lei for clothes in the summer + 100 lei for clothes in the winter.

Reception Centers:

There are six "reception" centres in Romania.

Timisoara: The centre has a capacity of around 300 places. 250 for the emergency transit centre, and around 50 for asylum seekers and refugees in Romania. The rooms are shared with 10 beds per room. The closed part of the Timisoara camp has already been constructed.

Stolnicu (Bucharest): The reception centre in Stolnicu has a capacity of 250 places. At the moment, around 45 people are staying there. Every room has double beds with 6 bed spaces, and a table. The kitchen is shared. Visiting: People staying in Stolnicu can be visited, but only during visiting hours and in the visiting room. It is not possible to visit friends in their own rooms.

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