Asylum gives an overview about the chances of asylum cases worldwide. was found to help lawyers and other accredited representatives worldwide prepare the best asylum cases they can. It contains a first aid part for refugees. A questionaire might be helpful to prepare your personal asylum case before the first interview. Besides it contains a big database with useful documents about the situation in countries of origin and about special groups (like sexual minorities) seeking asylum. They may help you to win your asylum case.The site is in english, but there is an option for babel-machine translation into various languages.

Like every information on this site it is NOT legal advice.
It is provided for general information only. You should make every effort to speak directly with a lawyer BEFORE taking any action.

Austria > Asylum

If you apply for Asylum in Austria your application will be first checked concerning Dublin III (mostly at the police station). If you pass this step positively, the next step of your application will be dealt with in one of the country's reception centers (german.: “Verteilerquartier”). There, it will be decided in which type of facility you will be housed during the procedure of your application.

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Bulgaria > Asylum

Besides the general geo-political situation following from the Schengen logic, the migrants/refugees in Bulgaria are facing some specific problems. Formally, all migrants are going through the procedure applied for asylum seekers.

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Croatia > Asylum

There are two types of international protection you can get in Croatia, on the basis of your individual situation:

  1. Refugee status (in Croatian: status azilanta, or azil) --
  2. Subsidiary protection (in Croatian: supsidijarna zaštita).
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Cyprus > Asylum

The asylum system in the Republic of Cyprus consists of 3 institutions:

  • Asylum Service
  • Administrative Court
  • Supreme Court
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Denmark > Asylum

There are different steps in the Asylum procedure. The Immigration Service is the first instance responsible for assessing a claim for asylum and the Refugee Appeals Board is the second instance.
Here is a description of the different steps in the asylum procedure in Denmark.

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Finland > Asylum

The Website of the Refugee Advice Center (Pakolaisneuvonta) provides information (english only) about the asylum procedure, about social conditions for asylum seekers and asylum statistics.

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France > Asylum

The asylum application procedure was modified in 2015. Despite politicians’ speeches promising simplification, it is still a complicated process and is sometimes difficult to comprehend. The aim of these factsheets is to provide the information required to submit an asylum application, to assert your rights and to avoid falling into the traps laid out by the French administration.

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Germany > Asylum

There are several multilingual guidebooks for refugees available, which may help you to understand the asylum system in Germany. The asylum system is complicated and the legal practice changes often.It is recommended to contact one of the counselling groups named in the contact-list additionally.

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Greece > Asylum

You have to personally lodge an asylum application before the competent authority, which is the Asylum Office (in Athens, Lesvos Island, Samos island, Chios island, Rhodes Island, South and North Evros Region, in Thessaloniki, as well as in the detention centres: Amygdaleza, Xanthi and in Corinth). If you are detained or in a First Reception Center, the detention authorities (police) and also the First Reception authorities will register your wish to seek international protection and refer you to the competent examination authority.

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Hungary > Asylum

Since 1 August 2015 there are new rules for asylum seekers in Hungary. The Hungarian-Serbian and the Hungarian-Croatian border is closed now with a border fence.

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Italy > Asylum

You'll find here a lot of informations on:
2. Your arrival in Italy
4. General about asylum and laws
5. How to apply for asylum as well as procedure, decision and claim
2.4. Forced return in order to Dublin convention from another country (so-called "Dublinato") as well as possible news on hotspots, relocations, forced returns and bilateral agreements.
You can also download the whole guide for better reading and printing.
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Latvia > Asylum

Leaflet with information for asylum-seekers in Latvia.

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Lithuania > Asylum

According to officially information, asylum seekers can submit an application at the state border crossing point, city (district) territorial police services or Foreigners’ Registration Centre (Pabradė, Švenčionys district). In reality not everyone is allowed to use this right.

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Macedonia > Asylum

After the EU-Turkey deal and the closure of the Бalkan route, the 72-hour asylum law in Macedonia was abolished. Macedonia currently has closed its borders, in other words, you can legally still seek asylum in the country but you do not  have 72 hours to decide whether you want to go through with it, that is, whether that is your final decision. In practice, new arrivals are often directly pushed back to the country where they came from and not allowed to seek asylum.

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Netherlands > Asylum

Asylumrequests are accepted only in the Airport and the Reception Centre in Ter Apel. Most people who ask asylum at the airport are kept in aliens detention during their asylumprocedure. After an asylumrequest at the Reception Centre Ter Apel however, you get shelter in an open asylum centre, and your fingerprints will be taken.

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Romania > Asylum

There are several ways of entering Romania for non-citizens: Without authorisation by crossing the border from one of the neighbouring countries, or with authorisation in the form of a visa (e.g. a student or tourist visa). In all cases, it should be possible to apply for asylum.

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Serbia > Asylum

According to the law, you’re allowed to seek asylum at any police-station all over Serbia, in the detention center, at the border or in any official interaction with the police.  However, in practice, the police can refuse you to seek asylum. If this happens, it is best if you are persistent and continue to go to the police station and demand that you want to seek asylum. It is your right to seek asylum, free of charge!

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Slovenia > Asylum

Answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding the international protection procedure (asylum) in Slovenia.

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Spain > Asylum

There exist two types of international protection in Spain: asylum and subsidiary protection. When you apply for asylum you automatically apply for both types, and the state will decide which one you are granted....

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Sweden > Asylum

You have to apply for asylum as soon as possible, preferably the same day. When you apply for asylum they take your fingerprints and a photo. They also decide if you should have economic help if you do not have any money.

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Switzerland > Asylum

Switzerland is the depository state for the Geneva Convention on Refugees (and its first protocol) and member of the European Convention on Human Rights. However, in the last 30 years the Swiss Asylum Act, which contains national procedural and material provisions, was revised more than a dozen times, making it more and more restrictive. The last revision was accepted through public referendum in June 2016 and will come into effect in 2019. On this page, you find an overview.

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Turkey > Asylum

Seeking Asylum: Legal Situation – Applying for International Protection in Turkey:

Most information here is not concerning Syrians!  There is a specific section for Syrians called “Temporary Protection”. This section explains seeking international protection in Turkey for non-Syrians.

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Uk > Asylum

'Asylum' is when the government lets you stay in a country because you are a refugee (see below for what it means to be a refugee). The asylum system in the UK is complicated and we recommend that you read this information first if you plan on coming to the UK.

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Ukraine > Asylum

The Ukrainian Parliament adopted a new law “On Refugees and Persons in Need of Complementary or Temporary Protection” on 08 June 2011...

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