Rights and benefits during the asylum procedure in Austria

last update: April 2019

Minimum rights and benefits during the asylum procedure (Grundversorgung)

The „Grundversorgung“ system aims at providing all asylum seekers and other aliens excluded from the regular social system with accommodation, food and medical care.
Grundversorgung is provided in two ways:
 a) by sheltered accommodation
 b) by maintenance grants for those accommodated individually

. In the case of sheltered accommodation the programme comprises  accommodation, health insurance, food and “pocket money” of 40 Euro/month; 

b) In the case of individual accommodation the programme comprises
 health insurance, 215 Euro/month maintenance grant, 150 Euro/month (300 for families) accommodation grant in case that regular rent payments can be proved

Who has access to these benefits?

People who fulfill the following requirements are eligible for support:

- Asylum seekers (asylum procedure still going on)

- Asylum seekers who have received temporary protection status (§8/§15)

- Depending on your location: Rejected asylum seekers and other aliens -if deportation cannot or must not be carried out (“Abschiebeaufschub” or "Duldung")

- might have access to the money.


Criminal conviction may lead to restrictions. In no case medical care may be restricted. 

Own income: if an individual has a regular legal income it has to be estimated if he or she is deemed to be “in need” and thus eligible for state money.


• Despite many rumors there is no relation between the region of Austria you are being sent to and your chances to get asylum! This only depends on the authorities processing your case.
• If you choose to stay in a different place than you've been sent to, you will get no financial support, no insurance and no shelter (“Grundversorgung”)! But: Depending on your location, there might be a possibility of organising so called “private housing”. Contact the local social aid office (Caritas, Diakonie, Volkshilfe, etc..) concerning this issue.


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