
Post-Deportation Monitoring Network

last update: April 2013

What happens to rejected asylum seekers post-deportation is still largely unknown. They might be apprehended by state security and sent to prison, tortured, tried for treason, or even killed.

While evidence is increasing that many rejected asylum seekers who are deported are grossly mistreated in receiving countries, deporting countries do not monitor what happens after deportation. We argue that such deportations can amount to refoulement.

Many organisations that work with rejected asylum seekers pending deportation have long been aware of this problem. Yet most organisations in host countries do not have the capacity to do post-deportation monitoring. Moreover, while organisations in receiving countries are willing to help, they simply do not know when someone is being deported.

The Post-Deportation Monitoring Network (PDMN) aims to address these issues. Our team is in the process of identifying and recruiting partner organisations and committed individuals in deporting and receiving countries. These organisations and individuals are compiled in our online directory.

This network has three main goals:

  • to protect and assist rejected asylum seekers post-deportation;
  • to document and report post-deportation human rights violations;
  • and to use such reports to lobby governments in host countries to change their asylum policies.

Post-Deportation Monitoring Network online:

Croatia > Deportation

Most people who get deported from Croatia are “undocumented migrants” – those who do not seek asylum once they enter into Croatia – and they are deported in accordance to readmission agreements: either to the country of origin for the countries that Croatia has a readmission agreement with, or to the country they have first entered from (most commonly Serbia and Croatia).

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Germany > Deportation

The following information is intended to help people who do not wish, or are unable, to return to their country of origin or another country, to prevent their deportation while still at the airport. If you can, inform your friends that you want to resist the deportation. They can support you from outside by speaking to the airline and informing them that you will not fly voluntarily. At Frankfurt Airport (where most deportations in Germany take place) there is a group who go to the airport in these cases, to inform passengers and airlines and to protest against your deportation.

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Italy > Deportation

You will find here informations about what happens if your asylum claim was refused and about "assisted voluntary return".

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Netherlands > Deportation

After a negative decision or when you are not allowed to await a decision you have the obligation to leave voluntarily. When you do not leave the Netherlands in the given period, the government will try to remove you by force.

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Serbia > Deportation

The latest practice of “voluntary” return to Serbia caused that a huge number of asylum seekers cancel their asylum claim in Hungary and afterwards got deported to Serbia via the bilateral readmission agreement.

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Spain > Deportation

If you are being deported, even if you manage to stay in Spain, you should know that you will be forbidden to enter Spain or another European country again for a period of three to five years.....

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Sweden > Deportation

Deportation is the last step in the chain of forceful measures of the state’s border apparatus. There are organizations that actively challenge the deportation machinery, such as AMD “Action against deportation”, by spreading information to the public, putting pressure on companies assisting the procedure and by demonstrations and blockades when in contact with people who are facing deportation.

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Switzerland > Deportation

This page explains the deportation procedure in Switzerland. Switzerland deports people to many countries. You can find an overview of deportations from Switzerland here. Switzerland also has readmission agreements, which facilitate deportations, with many countries. You can find a list of all migration and readmission agreements between Switzerland and other countries here.

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