
Sweden > Contacts

There are several specialised groups and NGOs for legal advice on asylum. Some necessary contacts in Sweden you may find here.

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Sweden > Overview

Sweden has been quite successful in portraying itself as a humanist and just country, whereas at the same time pursuing tough and inhumane Migration- and Asylum politics.

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Sweden > Dublin III

A ruling by the Migration Court of Appeal (MCA) stopped all forced returns of asylum-seekers from Sweden to Greece under the Dublin regulations. All the cases concerning Dublin to Greece get their asylum process in Sweden. All the cases are not yet in process but on the way to be processed.

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Sweden > Asylum

You have to apply for asylum as soon as possible, preferably the same day. When you apply for asylum they take your fingerprints and a photo. They also decide if you should have economic help if you do not have any money.

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Sweden > Gender

If you have been abused or persecuted because you are a woman, homosexuell, bisexual or transgender and are seeking asylum in Sweden this is important to tell in the first asylum investigation. It is important to tell about abuses as detailed and coherent as possible.

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Sweden > Minors

Unaccompanied minors have generated much debate and lot of Swedish people have begun working with them professionally, such as social workers in working in shelters for unaccompanied minors. If you are under 18 years old and come to Sweden without parents you count as an unaccompanied minor. There are special housings for children and youth. A trustee is selected of you come to Sweden without a parent or other guardian. At the first meeting with the Migration Office your application for asylum is registered. Your fingerprints and photo is taken.

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Sweden > Detention

If you are locked in a detention you always have the right to legal representative about that you have been taken in detention. This means that you get a lawyer or attorney that works with if you should be kept in detention or be released. If you not say that you want to chose who will represent you directly when the police takes you they or the Migration Office will give you an attorney or lawyer.  If you are not happy with your legal representative it is normally hard to change afterwards.

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Sweden > Deportation

Deportation is the last step in the chain of forceful measures of the state’s border apparatus. There are organizations that actively challenge the deportation machinery, such as AMD “Action against deportation”, by spreading information to the public, putting pressure on companies assisting the procedure and by demonstrations and blockades when in contact with people who are facing deportation.

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Sweden > Family reunification

In July 2010 new regulations concerning parents who have children in Sweden came into force. Persons applying for affiliation and having children are exempted from having to go to their countries of origin to apply for a residence permit. Despite this change in the law families can still be split up during the applying process. Requirements for passports or other identity documents are very stringent.

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Sweden > Medical Assistance

Since 1st July 2013, there is a new law in place regarding healthcare for undocumented residencies in sweden. It came about mostly thanks to the medical workers joint statement that they would "not continue to make differences between their patients" to which the government, by then, answered "if they will not follow the rules, it is better to change them".

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Sweden > Work

The effects of the labour law introduced in 2008 have received some attention. The rules introduced in 2008 make it easier employers to hire cheap labour from outside the EU, and so create slave-like working conditions for those coming to work in Sweden. Workers with temporary work permits are entirely dependent on their employers and can be deported any time they are surplus to the employee requirements or try to demand their rights. The new parliamentary agreement on migration policies (2015-10) include several draw-backs for migrants' rights on the labour market.

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