
Bulgaria > Contacts

Useful contacts for possible legal advice in Bulgaria...

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Bulgaria > News

Bordermonitoring Bulgaria collects current news, press articles, literature, judicature and statistics about the situation of refugees and migrants in Bulgaria in English language on its Blog: http://bordermonitoringbulgaria.wordpress.com/

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Bulgaria > Dublin III

If you have given your fingerprints to authorities in Bulgaria and you don’t stay there but continue your journey, you might get threatened to be deported back to Bulgaria. This is based on the so-called Dublin-regulation. The good news is: in many cases the people, who had to give their fingerprints in Bulgaria will not be deported back in the end.  Here you will find some useful information, which way a deportation to Bulgaria can be avoided.

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Bulgaria > Asylum

Besides the general geo-political situation following from the Schengen logic, the migrants/refugees in Bulgaria are facing some specific problems. Formally, all migrants are going through the procedure applied for asylum seekers.

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Bulgaria > Minors

If you are an unaccompanied minor, detention is explicitly prohibited. According to the law, unaccompanied minors are appointed legal representatives and are accommodated with relatives, host families or other specialized institutions. However, in reality this provision is not applied.

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Bulgaria > Detention

Under the current regulation the State Agency for Refugees, a ministerial body, is in charge of the functioning “reception centers” in Bulgaria.The detention centers on the other hand, are being managed by the Ministry of Interior.

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Bulgaria > Reports

“Trapped in Europe's Quagmire: The situation of asylum seekers and refugees in Bulgaria” is Bordermonitoring's latest report on Bulgaria.

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