Overview on several European countries

Here you will find some short overviews on the particular situation in several European countries:

Austria > Overview

Austria is part of the EU and has therefore very similar asylum laws to other EU countries. Still, lots of details differ between the countries as asylum laws are steadily modiefied. Especially since the strong refugee movement in summer 2015, constant changes of the legal situation in Austria have happened. The information on these pages gives you a general overview of the situation in Austria and concentrates on the basic legal structure. This information should support you as a guideline and for preparation. If possible, check for the most up-to-date detail informations with local legal aid or contact us if you have specific questions.

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Croatia > Overview

Like with other countries in the area of Western Balkans, Croatia has been for most of recent history a country of emigration. During the war following the breakdown of Yugoslavia, there were both a lot Yugoslav refugees coming to Croatia, as well as leaving Croatia.

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Cyprus > Overview

After a war between Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots the island is divided into the Republic of Cyprus and the Turkish Republic Northern Cyprus.

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Denmark > Overview

In the end of 2015 there has been an introduction of more strict rules regarding the length of a permit to stay for refugees, the conditions for people seeking asylum in Denmark, as well as the regulations of family reunification. Among other initiatives, tent camps for asylum seekers have been established. On the 4th of January 2016 Sweden introduced border control between Denmark and Sweden. The same day the Danish government symbolically introduced a temporary border control at the Danish- German border, consisting of 'random samples'. Many of the new regulations seem to be made to intimidate people to stay away from Denmark.

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Germany > Overview

Usually refugees or non-EU migrants are able to obtain temporary or permanent residence in Germany only by applying for asylum or through marriage. It’s more or less impossible – except for a few highly qualified experts and specialists – to get papers concluding a labour contract. Already since 2014 but with another peak point after the incredible "summer of migration" in October 2015 many more people than before applied for asylum in Germany. This lead to a few changes, especially concerning accommodation (the first weeks and months especially people have to stay in first reception centers that are very often overcrowded) and the duration of asylum procedures that varies a lot depending of the country of origin.

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Greece > Overview

Greece is one of the major countries where people are entering the European Union through the Turkish-Greek borders (at land and sea). The EU has put a lot of pressure on the Greek government to close these external borders and invested into its closure by sending Frontex – officers of a specialized EU-border agency – and by funding “border security”. Despite increasing difficulties to cross the border, until today Greece remains one of the main transit countries for migrants trying to enter the EU.

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Italy > Overview

"Welcome to Italy" guide (May 2018): you can read and download all the versions of the guide in the printings section or directly here below:
English language:    long/web version       short/print version
Italian language:      long/web version        short/print version
French language:    long/web version       short/print version
Arabic language:     long/web version       short/print version   
Farsi language:       long/web version    short/print version

Tigrinya language: long/web version     short/print version

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Latvia > Overview

Latvia is a transit country, through which migrants mostly are going to Scandinavia. Majority of the asylum seekers come from Russia, Afghanistan and Georgia. Latvia’s recognition rate is not high (44,7 %) and country receives low number of asylum applications (in 2010 – 61, 2009 – 52, 2008 – 51, 2007 – 34). This is related to obstacles reaching the territory or asylum procedure. There is a high risk, that foreigners are forced to return or deported.

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Lithuania > Overview

Of all Baltic States Lithuania has the highest number of asylum seekers (in 2009 – 449, in 2010 – 503), but compared with Europe as a whole the number is small. For many migrants and refugees Lithuania is a transit country to the “old” member states of the EU.  

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Lithuania > Overview

Of all Baltic States Lithuania has the highest number of asylum seekers (in 2009 – 449, in 2010 – 503), but compared with Europe as a whole the number is small. For many migrants and refugees Lithuania is a transit country to the “old” member states of the EU.  

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Morocco > Overview

Traditional country of emigration, Morocco has become, in recent years, a transit country to Europe as well as a host for a growing number of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers mainly from sub-Saharan African countries.
With the tightening of control measures at the border areas of southern Europe, these migrants are stranded in Morocco for an indefinite period.

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Netherlands > Overview

People can apply for asylum in the Netherlands. However, like everywhere in Europe, it is increasingly difficult to be granted asylum.

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Romania > Overview

Romania is part of the European Union, but not part of the Schengen zone. Therefore, there are border controls between Romania and neighbouring EU countries.

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Serbia > Overview

Serbia is one of the main transit-countries for migrants on the way to EU-countries. Traditionally it is a country of emigration. It is not used to receiving immigrants, especially from outside of Europe. It is therefore difficult to integrate and find work.

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Spain > Overview

The Western Mediterranean migration route is the busiest this year.  There are strong border controls and deportation agreements between the Spanish state and Sub-saharan countries or Morocco to return third-country nationals. Still, the number of people who manage to enter Spanish territory increases every year.

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Sweden > Overview

Sweden has been quite successful in portraying itself as a humanist and just country, whereas at the same time pursuing tough and inhumane Migration- and Asylum politics.

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Switzerland > Overview

Switzerland is not a member of the EU but it is part of Dublin II. In addition, Switzerland hasn’t repealed its boarders. Because Switzerland is so small, almost the entire territory is considered as boarder regions. The rail traffic going through (in and out) Chiasso, Geneva, Basel, Kreuzlingen/Konstanz and Buchs/Feldkirch is frequently controlled, as well as the high ways and feeder roads. Train stations are also as much as possible avoided by undocumented persons.

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