
Finland > Contacts

Useful contacts in Finland you may find here...

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Finland > Dublin III

The Finnish Immigration Service (Migri) examines whether the applicant: has submitted an application in another country following the Dublin II regulation (EU-countries, Norway, Iceland and Switzerland); has a family member with  refugee status in said countries; has a visa or a residency permit granted by one of said countries; or has entered Finland illegally via one of the said countries. In case one of these conditions of Dublin regulation is fulfilled, another state is responsible for examining the application and Migri can return the applicant to the state responsible. At this moment Finland doesn’t return people to Greece.

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Asylum in Finland

last update: October 2015
There is a lot of useful information on asylum procedures in Finland provided by the Free Movement Network Helsinki provided here:
Details on how to contact them, you may also find in the following languages: Arabic, Farsi, French.
The Website of the Refugee Advice Center (Pakolaisneuvonta) provides information (english only) about the asylum procedure, about social conditions for asylum seekers and asylum statistics: