
Macedonia > Contacts

There are many international, profit and non-governmental organizations working in this field providing different kinds of help to the refugees, asylum seekers and potential asylum seekers, providing food and clothes, first aid, legal advice etc. Among them are: The non-govermental organizations – Legis, NUN, Macedonian Young Lawyers Association, Regional Enterprise Support Center, La Strada - Open Gate, El Hilal, Value Partners (Dorcas Aid), People in Need, Solidarnost, Help the Refugees in Macedonia - RECS, HERA, Vlaznija, Merhamet, Kaliri, Mersih etc. and the Facebook group – Help the refugees in Macedonia. The international and profit organizations – UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA, IOM, Prokredit Banka and Prokredit Akademija, Detsko SOS Selo (through UNICEF).

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Macedonia > Overview

Macedonia is one of the main transit-countries for refugees and migrants on the way to EU-countries. Macedonia is not part of the Dublin III (follow-up of Dublin II, since January 15th 2014) agreement. This means that you can ask for asylum or have your fingerprints taken in Macedonia without problems to ask asylum in a Dublin country later on (no danger of a Dublin-deportation).

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Macedonia > Dublin III

Macedonia is not part of the Dublin III Convention (follow-up of Dublin II, since January 15th 2014) agreement. This means that you can ask for asylum or have your fingerprints taken in Macedonia without having problems while asking for  asylum in another Dublin country afterwards. But we have signed a readmission agreement with Serbia – which means that Serbia can return the asylum seekers to Macedonia.

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Macedonia > Asylum

After the EU-Turkey deal and the closure of the Бalkan route, the 72-hour asylum law in Macedonia was abolished. Macedonia currently has closed its borders, in other words, you can legally still seek asylum in the country but you do not  have 72 hours to decide whether you want to go through with it, that is, whether that is your final decision. In practice, new arrivals are often directly pushed back to the country where they came from and not allowed to seek asylum.

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Macedonia > Detention

The cases of refugees and migrants that did not commit crimes being detained happens when they are held as witnesses or victims of criminal activities. They are detained in order to appear as witnesses during the court trials of the perpetrators (usually smugglers). 

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Macedonia > Accomodation

Right now there is 1 reception centre where asylum seekers are accommodated  The reception centre is in Skopje and has capacity of 150 places. It accommodates people who have sought asylum in Macedonia. The Reception Centre for Asylum Seekers is in the village of Vizbegovo, near Skopje.

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Macedonia > Medical assistance

Hospitals and medical facilities in the cities on the typical refugee route and in the capital. Medical costs for urgent cases and interventions are covered by the Macedonian state.

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