
Croatia > Contacts

There are very few organisations providing assistance to migrants in Croatia and there is no organisation assisting specifically undocumented migrants. The three main organisations limited support can be obtained from are:

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Croatia > Overview

Like with other countries in the area of Western Balkans, Croatia has been for most of recent history a country of emigration. During the war following the breakdown of Yugoslavia, there were both a lot Yugoslav refugees coming to Croatia, as well as leaving Croatia.

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Croatia > Dublin II/III

Since 1.7.2013, Croatia has joined the EU, this means that now the effects of the Dublin regulation apply for Croatia also. According to the Dublin regulation, the country responsible for your asylum claim the first EU country in which you had the possibility to seek asylum

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Croatia > Asylum

There are two types of international protection you can get in Croatia, on the basis of your individual situation:

  1. Refugee status (in Croatian: status azilanta, or azil) --
  2. Subsidiary protection (in Croatian: supsidijarna zaštita).

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Croatia > Minors

Unaccompanied minors asylum seekers, single women and families are accommodated in the newly opened open reception center for asylum seekers in Kutina, 80km east from Zagreb.

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Croatia > Detention

When caught crossing the border, migrants can be detained at the border for the maximum of 48 hours, in temporary detention facilities that exists close to the border.

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Croatia > Deportation

Most people who get deported from Croatia are “undocumented migrants” – those who do not seek asylum once they enter into Croatia – and they are deported in accordance to readmission agreements: either to the country of origin for the countries that Croatia has a readmission agreement with, or to the country they have first entered from (most commonly Serbia and Croatia).

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Croatia > Living

Asylum seekers are accommodated in the open reception center (Prihvatni centar za tražitelje azila) on the premises of the old hotel Porin, in Dugave, the suburbs of Zagreb.

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Croatia > Medical assistance

There are three types of medical health protection in Croatia.

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Croatia > Work

Asylum seekers have the right to work in Croatia only once they have been in Croatia for one year.

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