Unionist support groups for problems concerning labour in 5 cities

last update: May 2011

You‘re entitled to rights - even if you‘re undocumented!
Low pay or no wages at all? You can sue your boss.
Work accident or on sick leave? You‘re entitled to receive health care and sickness benefits.
No annual leave? Take legal action for your statutory right.
A 14-hour workday and just 8 hours‘ wages? Sue your boss for outstanding pay.

Unionist support groups for problems concerning labour in 5 cities

MigrAr Hamburg
Tel. 0049-40-28 58 41 38
Email: migrar.hamburg(at)verdi.de

Arbeitskreis Undokumentiertes Arbeiten Berlin
Tel. 0049-30-88 66 56 22
Email: ak-undokumentierte-arbeit.berlin(at)verdi.org

Initiative Zivilcourage München
Tel. 0049-89-44 45 41 58,
Email:inizivi(at)gmx.de; http ://werkvertrag.antira.info/

Sans Papier-Beratungsstelle im FB 13 ver.di München
Tel. 0049-89-599 77 11 30,
Email: sans-papiers.muenchen(at)verdi.de

MigrAr Rhein-Main
Tel. 0049-69-25 69 25 69,
Email: kontakt(at)migrar-ffm.de

ADA (Antidiskriminierung in der Arbeitswelt) / Initiative „Du hast Rechte!“ Bremen
Tel. 0049-421- 69 62 86 39, Mobile: 0049-170-715 44 52,
Email: duhastrechte(at)yahoo.de

How to get a workpermit - guide in German

last update: July 2013

A guide in German language explaining about the various conditions (depending on the status of residence) for getting a work permit in Germany:


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