Contacts in Ukraine


Offering legal assistance for refugees and migrants in Kyiv and Kyiv region
Kyiv 03056
22 Dashavska str.
tel.: 0038 (0)44 453-1653
fax: 0038 (0)44 453-1650
e-mail: lps(at)

Charitable Foundation ROKADA
Offering social assistance for refugees and migrants in Kyiv and Kyiv region
Kyiv 03062
38 Oleksandrivska str.
tel.: 0038 (0)44 537-3593
fax: 0038 (0)44 422-3524
e-mail: office(at)

„No Borders“ project Social Action Centre
Offering legal and social assistance to refugees from Central Asia in Kyiv and Kyiv region
Tel. 0038 044 254 58 88
Email: info(at) 


MACZ - Medical Aid Committee in Zakarpattya
Offering a meeting point, internet, medical assistance for refugees and migrants
88000 Ukraine, Zakarpattya region, Uzhhorod
Gagarina St., 27/1
Tel.: 0038 (0)3122 2 37 57,
Email:  camzua(at) ,


South Ukrainian Centre of Young Lawyers
Ul. Ak. Filatova, 66/68 Odessa, Ukraine
Tel/fax: 0038 (0)48 760 1616
E-mail: lawcentre(at)


Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS)
vul. Luteranska, 6B/ 56 - 01001 Kyiv, Ukraine
Tel: +38 044 278 2978


Vinnytsya Public Organization “Vinnytsya Human Rights Group”
Rendering material, moral and other aid to persons whose rights are infringed independently from citizenship, sex, nationality, age, religion, political and other beliefs ...

Address: POB 4061 Vinnytsya, 21037
Phone: +380-432-695739; fax: +380432-434906
E-mail: vpg(at)

There are several NGOs that support refugees, offering councelling (partly even inside detentions) and providing food packages. But some are in an ambivalent role and cooperate also with bigger bodies like IOM (International Organisation for Migration) and sometimes even in collaboration with the authorities of the border regime. Therefore refugees and migrants need to be careful with some of these organisations.

Charity Fund “Caritas Mukachevo” (Uzhgorod, Transcarpathia) 
Renders legal aid in TDC in Chop Border Detachment for migrants and supplies with food packs (for IOM)

International Foundation “Carpathian Region” (NEEKA) (Mukachevo, Transcarpathia)
Renders legal aid in the refugee Camp in Mukachevo for women and children and to refugees in Uzhgorod, and also supplies with food packs (both for UNHCR)
Implements guardianship of unaccompanied minor refugees (in cooperation with Danish Refugee Council)

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