Contacts in Turkey

last update: January 2018

Please be aware that now in Turkey there are many organizations working with/for refugees and migrants.

A) Solidarity Organisations:

1) Göçmen Dayanisma Aği

Migrant Solidarity Network organises actions against racism, discrimination and xenophoby. Their main issue is to solidarize with and not to help each other. Their aim is to cooperate with other activists in Ankara, Turkey and wherever in the world and the networking with other migrant networks as well as feminist, LGBTI, leftist/anarchist movements. Migrant Solidarity Network/Ankara is a collective which rejects hierarchies and is open for everybody.

gocmendayanisma.06(at) (Ankara) (Ankara) 



Ad.dar (“home” in Arabic) is an all-volunteer, non-political, non-religious, multi-cultural community initiative established for Syrian and Syrian-Palestinian refugees living in Istanbul.  Ad Dar’s international volunteers (from Syria, Turkey, United States, Germany, Canada and more) organize activities and classes, as well as various forms of practical, social, and emotional assistance for children, families, and youths. Ad.dar is unique in that the organization is explicitly apolitical and inclusive of all—completely regardless of sect or creed. All are welcome.

A Community Center for Syrian and Palestinian-Syrian Refugees in Istanbul

Address :  Kemerhatun Mah. Hamalbaşı Cad, No.22 D.6-7 K.2 Beyoglu, Istanbul Turkey

Tel :   0090 212 244 2375

Email: info(at)


B) Legal Advice:

1) Refugee Rights Center

Extensive, free of charge legal counselling and assistance services to asylum seekers of all nationalities. They provide assistance especially to people whose asylum applications are rejected, those who are in detention centers and who are detained at the airports in İstanbul.

Opening hours Istanbul-office: all week days 10:00-17:00 ; available during the opening hours by telephone, fax or email in relation to any questions regarding legal rights and obligations for asylum seekers in Turkey.

Refik Saydam Cad. Dilber Apt. No:39 4th Floor, Flat Number: 11

Sishane –Beyoglu - ISTANBUL

Tel: 0090 212 292 48 30

Fax: 0090 212 292 48 33

E-mail: refugeeaid(at) / info(at)


2) Mülteci DER (Izmir)

Extensive, free of charge legal counselling and assistance services to asylum seekers of all nationalities. They provide assistance especially to people whose asylum applications are rejected, those who are in detention centers, those who are apprehended in the Aegean region while trying to cross to Greece irregularly and those  who are detained at the airport in İzmir.

Uğur Mh. 848 Sk No:16 Konak-iZMİR

Tel: 0090 232 483 54 21 / 0090 549 483 54 22


Email: bilgi(at)


3) Mazlum-Der

human rights organization. They have branches almost in every city in Turkey.


4) İnsan Hakları Derneği (İHD- Human Rights Association)

human rights organization. They have branches almost in every city in Turkey.


5) International Refugee Rights Association 

non goverment organisation with legal advice 

Ali Kuşçu Mah. Fatih Türbesi Sokak No: 31 Flat: 2 
Fatih / İstanbul

Tel: 0090 212 531 20 25

Fax: 0090 212 531 20 26


Email: info(at)


C) Humanitarian Aid:

There are many organizations providing humanitarian aid. For humanitarian aid you should apply to organizations in your own city. Please consult to one of these organizations for humanitarian aid in your own city: (UNHCR’s implementing partner)  (UNHCR’s implementing partner) (Support to Life (STL) is a humanitarian aid agency founded with the principal objective of working with communities to help them meet their basic needs and rights.) (faith based charity organization)


D) Physical and psychological help

1) Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (HRFT)/Turkiye Insan Haklari Vakfi (TIHV) - Headquarter : treatment of the physical and psychological issue caused by the torture or ill-treatment . HRFT has offices in several other Turkish cities also. See:

Mithatpaşa Caddesi No: 49/11 6. Kat 06420 Kızılay/Ankara

Telefon: 0090 (0 312) 310 66 36



E) Womens and LGBTI rights organisations

1) Kaos GL: (LGBTI rights organization, they provide legal counseling, they are in Ankara but you can contact them via phone from other cities as well. They can refer you to their sister organizations in different cities)


2) Kadın Dayanışma Vakfı: (women's right organization, they are in Ankara, can provide counseling, they have experience with victims of trafficiking)


3) Mor Çatı:  (women's right organization, they are in İstanbul, can provide counseling, they have shelters for victims of domestic violence) 



Birleşmiş Milletler Mülteciler Yüksek Komiserliği (BMMYK)


Tiflis Cad. 552. Sok. No:3 Sancak Mah. 06550 Ankara

Tel: 0090 312 409 70 00

Fax: 0090 312 441 21 73 


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