Dublin III in Switzerland

last update: November 2017 - you can download a pdf here

Even if not member of the European Union, Switzerland is part of the Schengen and Dublin agreements. You will find detailed statistics on Dublin-deportations at the end of the documents listed here. You can find further informations here. Should you or someone you know be affected by a ‘Dublin Decision’ (“Nichteintretensentscheid gemäss Art. 31a Abs. 1 Bst. b AsylG”), you have only five working days to appeal. It is advisable, to consult one of the free legal advisory centres for asylum seekers – follow this link – as soon as possible. We also advice you to read the German Dublin-section of our Webguide. The following two contacts can give advice and identify more contacts in Switzerland:

Schweizerische Flüchtlingshilfe
Weyermannsstrasse 10
3008 Bern
Tel.: 0041 (0)31 370 75 75
mail to: info(at)fluechtlingshilfe.ch

Solidarité sans frontières
Neuengasse 8
3011 Bern
Tel. 0041-(0)31 311 07 70
Mail: sekretariat(at)sosf.ch



Following a decision of the Federal Administrative Court on May 31th, 2017 (type « D-7853/2015 »), end of September 2017, the State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) has stopped Dublin-rejections to Hungary until it has concluded a research on conditions for (rejected) asylum seekers there.


Switzerland restarted asylum deportations to Greece in March 2015. The Federal Administrative Court since then allows deportations to Greece (type "D-6779/2014“) if the concerned asylum seeker has already granted international protection in Greece and lived there "for a while". In 2017, despite the fact that there has been no Dublin-deportations from Switzerland to Greece yet, in practice, 32 persons within mothers with little children have received an order to leave the country after a decision to dismiss their application. You’ll find an important legal note on the living conditions of beneficiaries of international protection in Greece here and a list of free legal advisory centres for asylum seekers here in order to make an appeal against such a decision.


In November 2014, the European Court on Human Rights decided that Switzerland has to ask for an “individual guarantee from the Italian authorities that the applicants would be taken charge of in a manner adapted to the age of the children and that the family would be kept together” before sending them back due to the Dublin Convention. Only some weeks later, the Swiss government presented an automatized list of reserved places in the italian SPRAR for so-called Dubliners. Nevertheless, Swiss volunteers and NGOs regularly report that this guarantee-system is not working in individual cases so the concerned end up in the streets after having been deported from Switzerland to Italy. In order to avoid such situations, we advise you to consult our contact-list for Italy for any help.


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