Short description of pushback practices

     last update: December 2018

If you come to Slovenia and ask for asylum or subsidiary protection, the authorities are obliged to process your request and send you to asylum home in the meantime you application is being proccessed. But the authorities are not doing this. Since month May 2018 slovenian authorities have started to systematically push back migrants, which is an illegal practice. Despite asking for asylum, which the authorities are obliged to process according to international law, slovenian police at the border with Croatia is pushing back migrants and sending them to Croatia. Croatian police then beat up migrants, take their money, destroy their phones and send them further to Bosnia, outside of European union.

According to available information so far in average about 600 migrants in a month are pushed back by slovenian police. The slovenian authorities are doing this also on the basis of readmission returns according to a bilateral agreement between Slovenia and Croatia from 2006. The Slovenian police are denying that they are illegally pushing back migrants

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