Serbia > Minors

Last update: July 2015

According to the law, whenever the police has an interaction with an unaccompanied minor, they should inform the social services, which should assign them a legal guardian. This does not always happen and unaccompanied minors are often treated in the same way as adults. However, when the procedure is followed, unaccompanied minors are first brought to one of the centres for youth and children – in the case of Belgrade, they are put into an institution called „Zavod za vaspitanje dece i omladine“ („institution for education of children and youth“). In this Zavod, there is a Centre for Accommodation of Unaccompanied Minors („Centar za smeštaj maloletnih starnih lica bez pratnje roditelja ili staratelja“).

The phone-number of this institution is is: +381 64 86 77 500.

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