Serbia > Deportation

last update: July 2015

“Voluntary” returning from Hungary to Serbia:

The latest practice of “voluntary” return to Serbia caused that a huge number of asylum seekers cancel their asylum claim in Hungary and afterwards got deported to Serbia via the bilateral readmission agreement. They were blackmailed with long term detention up to 6 month or even 18 month in order to convince them to “voluntarily” return to Serbia. After their deportation they are again imprisoned for (usually) another 5 days in Subotica town prison. With the release from the prison they receive a paper telling them to leave the country within 10 days. There is a possibility for them to (again) seek asylum in Serbia, but also a danger of chain-deportations – further to Macedonia, as it happened earlier.

Important notice for people who has been fingerprinted in Hungary without seeking asylum and have come back to Serbia: According to the Dublin-Convention the fingerprints will only be cancelled if you can PROVE (which is very difficult!) that you were out of the Dublin-area for more than 3 months! So remark that the so-called police-fingerprints in the first-entry-country of Dublin still are working against you if you just return to Serbia only for some days and then go to a Dublin country again (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom).

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