Medical Assistance for Migrants in Netherlands

Last update: January 2018

Only when you are in an asylum procedure (or in some other cases) you receive a health insurance. Every undocumented migrant has the right to get medically necessary health care, but in practice it can sometimes be difficult. There are support organizations who can help with arranging a doctors appointment. When you do not have a health insurance and cannot pay a doctor, the doctor or specialist has to reimburse the costs at Het CAK (Dutch abbreviation for Board of Health Insurances). This is possible with all health care that normally is included in a basic health insurance. In the Netherlands you always first have to go to a 'huisarts' (general practitioner) who can direct you to a specialist. You can also get help from a psychologist or psychiatrist when you have psychological complaints, such as stress or sleeping problems. As well it is possible to get medication. Costs from hospitals and pharmacies can be reimbursed when they are contracted with Het CAK. The costs for dentists and physiotherapists cannot be reimbursed. Contact a support organization when you need one but don't have money to pay for it.

You can visit Kruispost or the Wereldhuis in Amsterdam or contact any other support organization in the contact list.

Kruispost: offers medical treatment to homeless and to undocumented migrants:
Oudezijds Voorburgwal 129, 1012 EP Amsterdam
Tel: 020 - 624 90 31, fax: 020 - 428 83 30, kruispost(at),

In Amsterdam the Worldhouse (Wereldhuis) provides Health Consultations for undocumented migrants. Appointments with doctors elsewhere in Amsterdam are made, and the CVZ-system is explained to doctors and clients. No medical treatments itself.
Nieuwe Herengracht 20 (near Waterloo-plein), 1018 DP Amsterdam
Tel: 06 22821472, e-mail: info(at), website:

Your rights on medical treatment when you have applied for asylum

  • Free health care: You can ask for a doctor if you need one, and it is important to do so.
  • Health situation check: doctors of Medifirst will ask you in a short interview about your medical health situation. They will report this to the IND. It is important that you name your medical problems in detail (also psychological problems, such as trauma, stress, sleeping complaints), because these may support your asylum story and in this way the IND has to take your health situation into account during the interview.

Regular residence permit for medical reasons

  • Postponement of departure because it is irresponsible to travel because of your medical situation (art. 64). This is only temporary. Pregnant women have the right on art. 64 from six weeks before the expected date of giving birth until 6 weeks after.
  • Medical treatment: possible for people who have postponement of departure (art. 64) for at least 1 year. For other people, a permit for medical treatment is only possible when the Netherlands is the most appropriate country for medical treatment and you or your insurance company are able to pay all costs.

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