Contacts in Latvia

We had no direct contact with these organisations before, contact-informations have been collected online. So if you made some experience with one of these organisations and you think they cannot be recommended, please let us know via contact(at)

Latvian Centre for Human Rights (legal assistance)
Address: Alberta iela 13, 7th floor, Riga
Phone: +371 67039290
Fax: +371  67039291

Latvian Red Cross (psychological support)
Address: Skolas iela 1, Riga
Phone: +371 67336651
E-mail: secretariat(at)

CARITAS LATVIA (Christian organization which assists socialy deprived people, incl. migrants and refugees)
Address: Katolu iela 14, Riga
Phone: +371 67205067
E-mail: caritas(at)

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