Contacts in Hungary

Social assistance

Free-of-charge social assistance (if you need help for example in finding a job, a place to sleep, you have questions or problems concerning your life in a refugee camp, etc.):

Menedek Association (Menedék Egyesület)

Budapest (central office)
Address: 1090 Budapest, Erkel utca 13/A, foldszint 5.
Tel: 06 1 411 1710, 06 1 411 1711, 06 20 430 9919 • Fax: 06 1 411 1711
Website: • E-mail: menedek(at)
Languages: Hungarian, English, French, Serbian. Call first for an appointment!

Bekescsaba refugee camp
Zsuzsa Perak, social worker
Location: Inside the refugee camp
Tel: 06 66 452 617
Languages: Hungarian, English, Serbian
Consultation: Monday–Thursday morning and afternoon, Friday morning

Debrecen refugee camp
Eva Adoba, Anna Kerek, social workers
Location: B/5 “Integration House”, at the entrance of the camp
Tel: 06 52 428 537, 06 70 331 9568 • Fax: 06 52 428 537
Languages: Hungarian, English, Russian, Ukrainian, Italian
Consultation: Monday–Thursday afternoon, Friday morning

Legal advice

Free-of-charge legal assistance (if you need help about the asylum application and procedure):

Hungarian Helsinki Committee (Magyar Helsinki Bizottság)

Budapest (central office)
Address: 1054 Budapest, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 36–38.
Tel/fax: 06 1 321 4323, 06 1 321 4141
Website: • E-mail: helsinki(at)
Languages: Hungarian, English, French, Spanish, Italian. Call first for an appointment!

Békéscsaba refugee camp and Kiskunhalas alien policing jail
Dr. Tímea Kovács, lawyer
Tel: 06 20 496 7372
Languages: Hungarian, English. Visits the Békéscsaba camp once a week

Debrecen refugee camp
Dr. Orsolya Szántai-Vecsera, lawyer
Location: C/5 “Integration House”, at the entrance of the camp
Tel/fax: 06 52 448 446
Languages: Hungarian, English, French, Serbian.
Consultation: Monday–Thursday afternoon, Friday morning

Bicske shelter for unaccompanied children
Dr. Júlia Iván, lawyer
Address: Hungarian Helsinki Committee, 1054 Budapest, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 36–38.
Tel/fax: 06 1 321 4323

Budapest International Airport, jail for illegal migrants
Dr. Gabor Győző, lawyer
Address: Hungarian Helsinki Committee, 1054 Budapest, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky ut 36-38.
Tel/fax: 06 1 321 4323
Languages: Hungarian, English. Visits the airport every second week.

Free-of-charge psychological assistance

Cordelia Foundation (Cordelia Alapítvány)

Budapest (central office)
Address: 1133 Budapest, Karpat u. I./B, 6. em. 24.
Tel: 06 1 349 1450 • Fax: 06 1 239 1332
Website: • E-mail: cordelia(at)
No consultation in this office, but you can call to get an appointment

The psychiatrists of the Cordelia Foundation visit the Bekescsaba, Debrecen and Bicske refugee camps once a week (usually on Thursdays).
Languages: Hungarian, English, Russian

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