Contacts > Finland

last update: March 2014

Vapaa liikkuvuus (The Freedom of Movement) network supports migrants in their struggles for their rights. Network gives advice to foreigners every Monday from 3pm to 5pm at Päijänteentie 35, Helsinki. You can arrive directly to the reception.  You can also contact us in advance by phone at 040 2410 662, Mon-Fri, 8am – 12pm.
vapaaliikkuvuus [at]


The Finnish Refugee Advice Centre (see: is a non-governmental organisation founded in 1988 by other Finnish NGOs. The Refugee Advice Centre provides legal aid and advice to asylum seekers, refugees and other foreigners in Finland. The Refugee Advice Centre has five offices in Finland.

Helsinki office
Kaisaniemenkatu 4 A, 6.krs
00100 Helsinki
tel +358 (0)75 7575 100
fax +358 (0)75 7575 120
e-mail: pan(at)

Opening hours during weekdays from 9 am to 4 pm.

Executive Director Eva Lindberg, tel +358 (0)75 7575 112,
e-mail: firstname.lastname(at)

Information and Media Officer Sanna Rummakko, tel. +358 (0)75 7575 114, +358 (0)50 412 9413, e-mail: firstname.lastname(at)

Lappeenranta office
Koulukatu 11
53100 Lappeenranta
tel +358 5 420 71520
fax +358 5 541 2320

Kouvola office
Kauppamiehenkatu 1 A 6
45100 Kouvola
tel +358 (0)75 7575 101
fax +358 (0)5 371 3115

Opening hours during weekdays 9-12 am and 13-16 pm.

Oulu office
Hallituskatu 23 A 6
90100 Oulu
tel +358 (0)75 7575 105
fax +358 (0)8 5578 030

Opening hours during weekdays 9-12 am and 13-16 pm.

Oravainen office

Meeting with a lawyer by appointment only. In other times phone calls are directed to the Helsinki office, which is open Mon-Fri 9-16.

Öurintie 31
66800 Oravainen
tel +358 (0)75 7575 100
fax +358 (0)75 7575 120
e-mail: pan(at)

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