Croatia > Contacts

last update: January 2018

There are very few organisations providing assistance to migrants in Croatia and there is no organisation assisting specifically undocumented migrants. The three main organisations limited support can be obtained from are:

CMS – Centar za Mirovne Studije (Center for Peace Studies)
Telephone: +385 01 482 0094
Fax: +385 01 482 0094
Address: Kuća ljudskih prava, Selska cesta 112a, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia+
Working hours: 9:00 – 17:00
CMS is a civil society association, working on a variety of topics, among them is also migrants and asylum seekers rights. Their priority is working on advocacy, but they also provide psycho-social assistance, mainly through the work of volunteers who visit the centers for asylum seekers, provide Croatian language lessons etc.
HPC – Hrvatski Pravni Centar
Telephone: +385 (1) 4854-934
Fax: +385 (1) 4835-013
Address: Andrije Hebranga 21, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
HPC provide free legal assistance to asylum seekers, write reports and conduct monitoring of asylum seekers and migrants rights in Croatia. Their capacity in terms of providing free legal assistance is very limited and not all migrants get their assistance. Vulnerable groups have a priority. If you are really in need of legal help, it is a good idea to keep calling them.


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