Unaccompanied minors in Bulgaria

last update: February 2013

If you are an unaccompanied minor, the member statе where your parent or parents reside is responsible for your asylum application.

Detention is explicitly prohibited for vulnerable persons such as minors and unaccompanied minors, pregnant women and persons with psychological and physical disabilities. The Law on Asylum and Refugees contains a general
provision that in the asylum procedure due account should be given to the vulnerability of persons. The accelerated procedure for manifestly unfounded applications cannot be applied to unaccompanied minors. Their asylum application should be examined in a regular procedure.

According to the law, unaccompanied minors are appointed legal representatives and are accommodated with relatives, host families or other specialized institutions. However, in reality this provision is not applied.


(from the Brochure „Regulation&Asylum” in Bulgaria, 2012 which is available in English, Russian, Arabic, Farsi, Somali and French on the Website of dublin-project.eu : http://www.dublin-project.eu/dublin/Bulgaria)

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