Contacts in Austria:

Last update: April 2019

(Contact this mail address for up to date information or other questions on Austria for which you find no answers here. We will try to answer your questions. Note: we are no lawyers! - If possible, please write in english, french or german. Any other language will take a little longer for us to respond.) 

In Vienna

Asyl in Not
Währingerstraße 59/2
1090 Wien
Tel.: 0043-(0)1 408 42 10 (getting there by public transport: U4 Station Währingerstraße)

Diakonie Flüchtlingsdienst
Steinergasse 3/12
1170 Wien
Tel.: 0043-(0)1 / 402 67 54

Caritas Vienna - Asylzentrum
Mariannengasse 11, 1090
Tel. 0043-(0)1/427 88
Mo, Tue, Thu 08:00-12:00 + 13:00-16:30
Wed 13:00-16:30
Fr 08:00-14:00

In Traiskirchen

Opening hours: every Tuesday and Thursday: 9 – 16 h (registration: 9 - 14h)
Josef-Ferschner-Str. 20/II
2514 Traiskirchen
(across from the train station)
Tel.: 0043-(0)2252 / 547 26

In Linz

Volkshilfe Oberösterreich - Volkshilfe Flüchtlings- & MigrantInnenbetreuung
Stockhofstraße 40, 4020 Linz
Tel: 0043-(0)732/603099

Scharitzerstraße 6-8 / 1. Stock, 4020 Linz
Tel.: 0043-(0)732 - 77 60 70

In Graz

Verein ZEBRA - Interkulturelles Beratungs- und Therapiezentrum
Pestalozzistraße 59/II
8010 Graz
Tel.: 0043-(0)316/90 80 70-0

In Innsbruck

Fluchtpunkt: counseling for illegalized migrants and migrants in difficult legal situations
A-6020 INNSBRUCK, Jahnstrasse 17
Tel. +43.512.581488

Diakonie-Flüchtlingsdienst: independent legal advice for asylum seekers and migrants
 Müllerstraße 7
6020 Innsbruck
Tel.: 0664/885 889 11
Fax: 0512/ 31 79 28
E-Mail: bti(at)

Ankyra: centre for intercultural psychotherapy
Müller - Str.76020 Innsbruck
Tel.: 0512-56 41 29
Fax: 0512-56 41 29 - 29
E-Mail: ankyra(at)

Information about health care, housing and clothes supply:

In Vienna:

Verein Ute Bock
A-1020 Wien: Große Sperlgasse 4
 0043 (0)1 929 24 24 - 24

ASYL IN NOT (see above)

Place where you can get clothes for free:

In Vienna:

Kost-Nix-Laden, 1120 Ratschkygasse 14, 1050 Vienna (how to get there: close to U4 Pilgramgasse); opening hours on Monday and Thursday 15–20h

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